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Get judged...before being judged!

You've been working all summer. The closer has just gone on the field and your first competition is just two weeks away. Is it as good as the parents think it is? Or is it as bad as you think it might be? You dread that first competition for fear of what the judges will say. You'll either leave relieved...or you'll leave wishing you had known sooner what to do.


That's where virtual consulting steps in!


Take a video of your band at the end of a rehearsal, at a football game, or even at band camp, and shoot it over to us! Depending on the options you choose, you can receive a real judge's "tape" on the following captions: percussion, marching, color guard, drum major, music, or general effect. You can get it all for $300! Just want some basic feedback? Our most popular option is a simple "general comments" feedback, costing you only $70!


We will provide you expert opinions, feedback, and suggestions, breaking down your video as you'll see below, in a way that you can show to your students so they can hear it and see it for themselves. Then you can take the field at that first competition without the worry of how a "first read" might be received.


Check out the video below, then click here to get the process started!


Also available throughout your season in all marching arts: Marching Band, Winterguard, and Indoor Drumline!

Virtual Consulting Sample

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